Rainwater Collection

Rainwater harvesting is the principle of collecting and using precipitation (rain water) from a catchment surface.

Rainwater harvesting can be used for a number of applications including:

In areas where there is reasonably good rainfall, Rainwater harvesting can be cost effective, easy to involve the beneficiary community in the setting up of the system as well as maintaining it. In general RWH does constitute simple and appropriate technology that does not require lots of technical input.

The main limitation of RWH is, the system’s dependence on the rainfall pattern of any particular area, and therefore, it is not always possible to depend solely on RWH for drinking water supply systems.

Mostly it is used as additional water supply source. On the other hand, for agricultural, and animal drinking water purposes, it is highly important and is considerably used.

Reasons to have rainwater harvesting as an alternative/additional water source are:


Oxfam Rainwater Harvesting Guidelines

Minimum Requirements